If you are interested in hunting alligators for the first time, then realize that there are many steps to getting started. You cannot simply go out to a swamp or other alligator-laden area and start hunting them without first applying for an alligator license in your state, learning how to ethically cull an alligator without causing them to experience unnecessary pain, and knowing what to do with the alligator(s) you hunt after you have killed them.
Read on to learn the main three steps you need to take before and during your alligator hunting venture.
1. Apply for an Alligator Hunting License
Alligators can be hunted legally in the states of Texas, South Carolina, Louisiana, Florida, Arkansas, Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina. Every state that allows alligator hunting requires prospective hunters to apply for alligator hunting licenses. However, not all states issue licenses to all applicants. For example, every year, the state of Florida issues about 5,000 alligator hunting licenses to prospective hunters before alligator hunting season arrives, yet an average of 10,000 people apply for those licenses each year.
Before you get your heart set on alligator hunting during your state's season, be sure to look into license availability.
2. Keep State Laws and Ethics in Mind When Choosing Hunting Equipment and Technique
While there are many alligator hunting methods, each state has their own guidelines as to what methods they will allow hunters in their state to use. In addition, it is important to choose a method that is humane and won't cause unnecessary distress to the alligator before, during, or after the hunt. For example, the state of Louisiana advises hunters to use the hook and line method when culling alligators.
To use the hook and line method, you must set a line (similar to a fishing line) baited with chicken, beef, or another type of meat. Then, once the alligator takes the bait, you must shoot the alligator with any type of firearm (other than a shotgun) directly behind its skull or use a bow and arrow to cull it. Be sure to look into exactly where to shoot the alligator with a firearm or place the bow and arrow shot to keep pain and suffering to a minimum.
In the state of Georgia, alligator hunters are allowed to use other methods to capture alligators, such as a snare. After alligators are captured, they can then be culled by shooting them with a bang stick or handgun behind their skulls or by using a knife to sever their spinal cords. A bang stick is a specialized type of hunting "gun" that can be fired under water. It is not fired with a trigger, but instead releases a special type of ammunition when it is firmly placed behind the alligator's skull.
3. Sell Alligator to Ensure Meat and Skin Are Put to Good Use
You likely wonder what you should do with the alligators you have on hand after you hunt them. After hunting them, take steps to keep them cool and cover them with damp cloths to keep their hides moist. While you should check into your state's regulations regarding what you are legally allowed to do with your alligators once you hunt them, most states allow hunters to take their alligators to local alligator processing facilities. While all facilities vary slightly, some will allow you to keep the alligator meat after they remove the hide, if you desire. However, if you have no desire for the meat, most processing facilities will be happy to sell it to local restaurants and/or grocery stores for you.
Many processing plants will pay you for your alligators, since their hides are very in demand in the designer clothing market.
If you are considering going alligator hunting for the first time, then follow these three steps to get started and begin enjoying your new endeavor. Contact a company like Chasinbacon.com to learn more.